Winter Trips — Taking the Road Less Traveled (it’s okay, we have AAA)

Mossy Cave, Bryce CanyonI’ll just say it.  We like year-round school.  We like it a lot. The benefits of mini-breaks outweigh the pain of the year round calendar (three week summer break).

One of our favorite parts is vacationing in the off-season.  We’ve visited Zion’s National Park, Bryce Canyon and Capitol Reef National Parks in the winter and LOVED every second of it.

My only hesitation about traveling off the beaten path in the off season is worrying about getting stranded.

It’s safe to say I have a bit of an unreasonable fear (okay, it’s a phobia) about being stuck in a far off place.

But…thanks to a new brand ambassador partnership I’ve recently taken with AAA, worrying about roadside trouble is WAY less scary.AAA image

AAA has graciously provided me a basic membership and, can you believe it, they’re paying me to write this post!

A few fun facts about AAA.  Did you know it covers you no matter whose car you’re in?  Did you know it costs as little as $5 a month?  And did you know you DON’T have to have AAA Auto Insurance to have a membership?  You CAN just get roadside assistance and the famous AAA discounts, take a look, it’s not just hotel discounts anymore.

I think it would be the perfect gift to the person who has everything or for your teenage or college student.  Think about the peace of mind you’d have.  I’m all for false senses of security. Big fan.

Anyway…back to National Parks and the Road Less Traveled. Southern Utah Winter Trips

The thing I LOVE about traveling to the National Parks in the off season is getting a straight up DEAL on the hotel rooms.  We stayed at Ruby’s Inn at Bryce Canyon and at the Pioneer Lodge just outside of Zion’s Canyon both for less than $50 a night.  And both were swanky rooms!  AAA members usually count on getting the best rates on rooms, but in the off season the discounts are even deeper!

Here’s a little tip though if you’re planning a winter getaway to you your favorite National Park. Bring plenty of food with you.  Park towns are notoriously famous for being seasonal, meaning most the shops, restaurants and stores close down in the off season.  The stores that ARE open can usually only offer food that is past its prime and is VERY expensive.  I’m talking $7 for a box of Wheat Thins. Bryce Canyon Trip Winter

Seeing the parks uncrowded and dusted with snow will truly be one of the more glorious experiences in your life.  Check out these photos from our last couple trips.  I mentioned my phobia before and I am proud to say that I was able to control my thoughts and enjoyed the trip despite it’s remote nature. What should I bring to Bryce Canyon in winter I largely credit my mental success to my new AAA membership.  It’s reassuring to know we wouldn’t be alone on the highway if something were to happen.  AAA Utah Roadside Assistance

We were thrilled to be there.  We had the place to ourselves and we LOVED exploring.  I firmly believe that Humans Were NOT meant to Hibernate in Winter.  

See my latest Studio 5 segment where we discuss unique family activities that can be enjoyed in the winter.

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